All funds collected through membership dues are spent for the benefit of the PK Community as determined by the Board of Directors. The officers and directors receive no compensation and their expenses are not reimbursed. PKLA posts current information on this website and mails newsletters to those that prefer. E-mail Alerts are used to notify our membership of urgent items. This website provides member access to information specific to PKLA business as well as meeting notes to keep our membership informed.

In addition to our funding through dues, PKLA solicits contributions to our Property Protection Fund. This is a fund set aside from regular operating funds to allow PKLA to delve into special projects such as divestiture of lease hold properties, BRA water sales from PK and other areas of interest for our constituency. These are generally projects that would affect the quality of life at PK and our property values.

Only through your support as a dues-paid member of PKLA can we continue these important functions for the PK Community.