October 2019
October 12, 2019
The following agenda items were discussed or acted upon:
1. Call to Order- Mert Fewell called the meeting to Order at 9:05am.
2. Determination of a quorum present- The following Directors were present:
Mert Fewell, Mike Carter, Russell Madden, Milk Fuqua, Brent Nance, James Smith and Monte Land. Marsh Bettis and Jeff Young did not attend.
3. Approval of minutes from last meeting- Mert made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 10,2019 meeting as written. Brent second. Motion passed 7-0.
4. Briefing on current issues
a. Graford ISD Bond Issue- Mike and Russell led the discussion regarding the Town Hall meetings held at the Chamber for the Graford ISD Bond election on the November 5, 2019 Approximately, 50 people attended the October 8, 2019 meeting. Superintendent Dennis Holt made the presentation to the group. Directors felt the meeting was very informative for those that attended. The next Town Hall meeting is scheduled for October 29, 2019 at 6pm at the PK Chamber.
b. Arcing Demo at United Coop Yard- Russell explained that United Coop will host an Arcing Demonstration at the PK United yard across from the Trading Post. All dock builders have been invited. Russell explained that the height of the docks being moved on the roads are taller and heavier. This educational demonstration will make workers more aware of highline dangers. He further explained the immediate need for such a demonstration.
c. Palo Pinto Count Hospital- Mike and Mert reported the lunch scheduled with the new Hospital CEO was cancelled by the CEO. Another meeting will be scheduled that will include Jeff Hausler.
Tax increase- Mert provided a property tax hand out. Directors discussed facts shown on the handout. The graphs showed that it cost as much to run the County as the Hospital. Graford ISD passes 60% of taxes collected on to the State. Directors discussed putting a fact sheet on the website showing tax rate increases. Directors will try to have discussion with individual Hospital board members. There was discussion on verifying accuracy of the charts. Efforts will be made to find a person that can verify the facts. Holly will be asked to write a plain English legend for the charts. Directors discussed asking membership to participate and run for County Boards. Directors thought asking the Hospital CEO and Board President to the next PKLA meeting should be the next step.
d. Communication- Web site/E-mail Alert, etc. – Directors all agreed that Holly is doing a good job on the PKLA Newsletter and Website. The Newsletter is being sent once a month. After reviewing the website, Directors felt asking Holly to post the Newsletter for all to read should be requested. A future meeting date with Holly to review website, Face book and Newsletters will be requested.
e. Membership -Membership numbers were reported.
f. BRA interactions- Russell informed Directors that PK Lake Manager Blake Kettler has moved to BRA Administration in Waco. Mert announced that the PKLA/BRA a meeting with BRA this fall would not be necessary given the current working relationship between the two entities. Instead, Kowis and Kennedy will meet with BRA this fall. Mert reminded the Board that PKLA Directors had authorized $10,000 for modeling expenditures. BRA is adding control points to their modeling. Available modeling and control points will allow BRA to be even more conservative with water projections. New modeling is necessary to verify BRA numbers. David Collingsworth wants to be conservative with future water sales. New modeling software with control points, would allow a maximum of 106,000-acre ft. of water to come from PK Lake. Recent drought of record data was used in current calculations based on PKLA input. Trust and verify seems to be working. BRA announced plans for 95,000-acre ft. of water sells instead of the maximum. BRA does not think Cedar Ridge Lake will be built in the near term. Mert feels that money was well spent to verify BRA modeling numbers and PKLA needs to continue the practice.
5. Financial and Membership Report
I. Current membership- Total 617; New 15; Renew 602.
II. Membership- Renewal – Carolyn reviewed membership numbers.
III. Cash funds are deposited into two accounts:
General checking account- Membership funds deposits.
Property Protection account- All donations are deposited into this account.
IV. Projections of expenses/bills- Carolyn explained PKLA monthly expenses.
6. Set meeting date for next PKLA Directors’ meeting – Two meetings were discussed by Directors. Directors will try to schedule meeting with Hospital CEO and Board President for one of the following dates and times November 16th, 17th or 18th .
November 16th Saturday, 9am,
November 17th, Sunday, Afternoon anytime
November 18th, Monday, 6pm
February 1, 2020 at 9am was scheduled as a regular meeting.
BRA Director Meeting – October 28,2019
7. Adjourn- The meeting adjourned at 11:00am.