May 2016
May 6, 2016 – Minutes
The following agenda items are to be discussed or acted on:
- Call to Order – Jim Lattimore called the meeting to order at 9am.
- Determination of a quorum present – The following directors were present: Jim Lattimore, Monte Land, James Smith, Mikl Fuqua, Jeff Young, Russell Madden, Marsha Bettis and Mert Fewell. Jackie Fewell also attended the meeting. Brent Nance, Jimmy Crenshaw and Scott Wheatley were not in attendance
- Briefing on current issues
- Review of status of settlement agreement with BRA – Lattimore & Fewell reported on meeting with BRA staff regarding PKLA/BRA Settlement Agreement. BRA agreed to conduct drought study and not sell any more water under BRA Application Permit No. 5851 until drought study is complete. BRA Permit No. 5851 is currently back before the SOAH Judges for further hearings. Nine months will be allowed after the appeal period for the drought study to be conducted. Freeze and Nichol study that had been agreed to in previous Settlement agreement no longer was considered necessary. Sedimentation study is believed to be significant is determining water availability. There was discussion about the PK Lake boundaries that will be included in the sedimentation study. Jim agreed to ask BRA for details regarding sedimentation study. Monte made a motion to execute the Amended Settlement. Jeff second. Motion passed unanimously.
- Discussion on TCEQ hearing on BRA application – Lattimore & Fewell – John Vay, PKLA lawyer, has continued to monitor BRA ‘s Application Permit No. 5851. Sometime this fall the Permit will come back to TCEQ for evaluation.
- Briefing on BRA Board meeting of 4/25/16 Land – BRA Board meeting was primarily a report meeting. Study on Morris Shepard Dam concrete was extended. Report on Allens Creek included a report that all required studies are being conducted. Engineering firm continues to work on design. PKLA Directors discussed Morris Shepard Dam conduit that allows BRA to control water flow release amounts. Floating gates is considered a harder way to measure amount of release.
- Financial and Membership Report
- Current membership – End 2015 – 977
Land sent 1325 invoices for 2016. To date: Renew 422; New 5 - Cash and CDs currently on hand – Land reviewed all financials with the Board.
- Ongoing expenses – Consultants – Lattimore expenses to move forward to verify PKLA / BRA Settlement Agreement. Property protection fund needs to have at least $15,000 to $20,000.
- Current membership – End 2015 – 977
- Web site redesign status Issues – Jackie reported on several problems with the new web site. It was felt that there was a need for a PKLA Director to oversee the website. Jim made a motion for Mikl Fuqua to serve as a committee of one to manage the website and provide direction to volunteers as to content and additions for the new website. Russell second. Motion passed unanimously. Jackie Fewell agreed to work on details that will hopefully make the website user friendly.Tour of new website needs to be reviewed at Annual Meeting.
- Director’s consideration – John Connally resigned from the Board. Consideration for new directors was discussed. Currently have 11 directors serving. Annual meeting will be a time to consider new directors. Jim agreed to visit with current directors about their desire to serve.
- Membership effort / Forms / Mail out / Annual Meeting – Land reported that a reminder will be sent out before the meeting. Signs need to be posted. Flyers might be placed at places such as Trading Post. Jackie and Carolyn will work on details.Set up Chamber for Annual Meeting June 11, 2016 – Set up Chamber will be done the week of the meeting. Message needs to be now that the Lake is full, how do we keep it full! James Smith asked what should be the objective of the Annual Meeting. Directors hope the message is that Membership understood the PKLA / BRA Settlement and verify the need for the settlement. Hydrologist James Kowis will be asked to do a presentation regarding the importance of details in Settlement.
- Set meeting date for next PKLA directors meeting and annual meeting
BRA Directors meet July 25, 2016
PKLA Directors meet July 30, 2016
Carolyn agreed to remind PKLA Board of Annual meeting and future meeting dates. - Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 10:20am