February 2013
Minutes Possum Kingdom Lake Association
Directors Meeting
February 2, 2013
The Possum Kingdom Lake Association directors met Saturday, February 2, 2013 in Graham at Bryan Insurance conference room at 9:30am. Directors present were Monte Land, Jay Turner, Scott Wheatley, Mert Fewell, John Connally, Jim & Hank Lattimore, Russell Madden and Mikl Fuqua. Director not present was Jimmy Crenshaw.
Annual Meeting Date and forms
Directors set June 8, 2013 as the date for the next Annual Meeting of the Lake Association. The Annual meeting will be held at the Chamber at 10am. Invoices for current members will be mailed the end of April. Directors reviewed membership forms and concentration discussion on the line for Property Protection Donations. Directors agreed that membership needed to be reminded of the need for donations. This fund was used to hire needed experts in the process of passing HB 3031. The Association has also been able to hire a lawyer in Washington to monitor the FERC application process. Money was used from the fund to purchase food and supplies needed by fire fighters in our recent fires. In the future funds may be used to hire experts to assist in efforts to understand the TCEQ/BRA application process.
Director Jay Turner made a motion to have the following on the checking accounts which requires 2 signatures: Monte Land, Gayla Chambers, Ruth Piland, Russell Madden and Carolyn Land. The motion passed.
BRA Board Meeting Report
Directors heard a report on BRA’s Board meeting held Monday, January 28, 2013 in Waco.
- The BRA Board passed an agenda item to include Costello Island and set the requirements for the sale of the remaining commercial and residential leased properties at Possum Kingdom Lake. PKLA is involved in the process of writing a Bill that will allow the sale of the remaining land.
- Matt Phillips reported 46 new House Representatives and 5 new Senate members. Important topics for this session will be budget surplus in a healthy rainy day fund (RDF), and school finance, security and vouchers.
- Water remains a major topic for this session.Will legislators use 2 billion for a water plan or pass legislation for a water tax or fee. A water master may be hired to enforce water policy priority for usage. Dow Chemical has Senior water right on the Brazos.
- Currently 932 bills have been filed Last day to file a Bill is March 8, 2013.
- Troy Glasson reported that work at the dam was nearing completion and on track with timelines for completion in Spring 2013.The conduit was tested on November 14, 2012. Electrical work and painting and repair in the powerhouse were complete. One problem staff is currently working on is the corrosion (rust) that appeared on the ring jet valve on the conduit. Manufacturer is looking into the cause. High salinity levels or small pebbles going through at a high velocity might cause pitting in the stainless. After BRA accepts the work there will be a 2 year warranty. The problem that could develop will be that work is not completed in time for FERC to surrender their license by Spring 2013.
- Mike McClendon reported that new PVC pipe was needed in the dam to replace deteriorating galvanized pipes.Money for this project will come from the boat load study project that will not be conducted this summer because of current drought conditions.
Trip to Austin
Monte and Carolyn Land and Mert and Jackie Fewell spent 2 days in Austin. They met with water experts regarding BRA’s TCEQ application for additional water. Work on acquiring additional information will be provided to appropriate parties for evaluation. They also visited members of the House and Senate.
TCEQ/BRA Application
The PKLA directors discussed at length this process. Directors continue to search every avenue to acquire information and get information to appropriate parties. Directors of the PK Chamber, Water Supply and PKLA are all working together. A motion by John Connally was made to hire an expert if additional information is required. The motion passed.
The meeting adjourned at noon.